Meaning Action Committee for Rural Electrification
What does Action Committee for Rural Electrification mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Action Committee for Rural Electrification. You can also add a definition of Action Committee for Rural Electrification yourself


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Action Committee for Rural Electrification

 A political action committee that gives financial support to national candidates friendly to rural electric cooperatives.
Source: (offline)


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Action Committee for Rural Electrification

A voluntary political action group that supports candidates for national offices.
Source: (offline)


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Action Committee for Rural Electrification

A political action committee formed by NRECA in 1966 that gives financial support to congressional and state legislative candidates friendly to electric co-ops. ACRE does not get involved in presidential, gubernatorial, statewide row office, judicial, or municipal races. Forty-nine percent of all ACRE funds are returned to state ACRE committees, ba [..]
Source: (offline)

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