Meaning Audience profile
What does Audience profile mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Audience profile. You can also add a definition of Audience profile yourself


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Audience profile

The minute-by-minute viewing pattern for a program; a description of the characteristics of the people who are exposed to a medium or vehicle (see Profile).
Source: (offline)


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Audience profile

A breakdown of your site’s audience into three types: all sharers (any unique user who shared content), influencers (unique sharers whose shares brought traffic back to your site) and clickers (unique [..]


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Audience profile

The audience profile shows how a main audience category is divided into its subcategories (such as age, social grade or sex) in percentage terms. For example, if a programme achieves an Adult AB profile of 10%, this means that 10% of adult viewers were AB, while the other 90% were C1, C2 or DE Adults. An audience profile can be compared with the eq [..]
Source: (offline)

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