Meaning aberrant crypt foci
What does aberrant crypt foci mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word aberrant crypt foci. You can also add a definition of aberrant crypt foci yourself


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aberrant crypt foci

Clusters of abnormal tube-like glands in the lining of the colon and rectum. Aberrant crypt foci form before colorectal polyps and are one of the earliest changes that can be seen in the colon that ma [..]


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aberrant crypt foci

Clusters of colonic crypts that appear different from the surrounding Mucosa when visualized after Staining. They are of interest as putative precursors to colorectal Adenomas and potential Biomarkers [..]


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aberrant crypt foci

Clusters of abnormal tube-like glands in the lining of the colon and rectum. Aberrant crypt foci form before colorectal polyps and are one of the earliest changes that can be seen in the colon that may lead to cancer. Also called ACF.
Source: (offline)

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