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Definitions (21)


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advance care planning

Planning for future health care needs following a 5 step process including: 1) thinking about preferences for care; 2) talking with family/loved ones and health care providers; 3) completing a written advance directive; 4) sharing completed advance directives with family/loved ones, health care providers and others, and: 5) reviewing advance direct [..]
Source: (offline)


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advance directives

Advance Directives are written instructions specifying the medical care you want or don’t want in the future and how you want future medical decisions to be made in the event you are unable to communicate or make the decisions for yourself. The two most common Advance Directives are the health care power of attorney and the living will. In addition [..]
Source: (offline)


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Medications used to fight bacterial infections. Antibiotics are typically prescribed to treat illnesses or relieve symptoms.
Source: (offline)


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artificial hydration

A small plastic tube (catheter) is inserted directly into the vein and fluids (hydration) are given through the tube. This medical treatment is typically a short term intervention lasting 3 to 5 days, but may be continued long-term when an individual loses the ability to drink fluids on their own. For those at the end of life whose organs are shutt [..]
Source: (offline)


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artificial nutrition

Often called “tube-feeding,” artificial nutrition provides liquid nutrition and fluids through a tube placed into the stomach or intestines. For short-term support, a tube (Nasogastric tube or “NG-tube”) is placed into the nose, and passed through the throat and into the stomach. For long-term support, a tube is surgically placed directly into the [..]
Source: (offline)


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artificial respiration/mechanical ventilation

Mechanical ventilation supports or replaces the function of the lungs, through the use of a machine called a ventilator. A ventilator (also referred to as a respirator), is attached to a tube inserted through the nose or mouth into the windpipe, which forces air into the lungs. Mechanical ventilation can be short-term, to assist patients with an ac [..]
Source: (offline)


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assisted living facility

A system of residences and limited care for older adults or disabled persons who need some assistance with daily activities but do not require care in a skilled nursing facility.
Source: (offline)


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The ability to hear, process and understand information in its full context in order to make informed decisions. A person must be able to articulate their understanding of the consequences of their actions in order to demonstrate capacity.  A person with advanced dementia is not typically going to have capacity to select a trusted individual as the [..]
Source: (offline)


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cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Attempts to restart the heart and breathing of a person who has no heartbeat and/or has stopped breathing. CPR involves forceful external rhythmic pressure on the chest of the patient and artificial “mouth-to-mouth” breathing for the patient. CPR may involve electric shock (defibrillation) and/or a plastic tube inserted into the windpipe to assist [..]
Source: (offline)


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comfort care/comfort measures/palliative care

Medical care with the primary focus on keeping a person comfortable as opposed to curative care or prolonging life. Comfort measures are implemented to relieve pain and control other unpleasant symptoms such as nausea or anxiety.
Source: (offline)

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