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Definitions (73)


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Underground banking

Term used to describe any informal banking arrangements which run in parallel and independently of the formal banking system. It involves the transfer of currency around the world without necessarily [..]
Source: u4.no
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fiduciary risk

Corruption is one type of fiduciary risk, which in the development aid context is the risk that aid funds are not used for the intended purposes, do not achieve value for money, and/or are not properl [..]
Source: u4.no


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Accountability denotes a relationship between a bearer of a right and the agents or agencies responsible for fulfilling or respecting that right. One basic type of accountability relationship is that [..]
Source: u4.no


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Active and passive bribery

Active bribery
Source: u4.no


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Asset forfeiture

Involves the seizure and confiscation of assets tainted because of their connection with a crime (they were used in committing the crime or were derived from it). 
Source: u4.no


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Asset recovery

Asset recovery is a term used to describe efforts by governments to repatriate to the country of origin the proceeds of corruption hidden in foreign jurisdictions.
Source: u4.no


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Auditing refers to an official examination of an organisation or institution's accounts, to make sure money has been spent correctly, i.e. according to rules, regulations and norms. Audit institu [..]
Source: u4.no


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Baksheesh [backsheesh, bakshis] is an Arabic term for a relatively small amount of money given to a beggar or for services rendered (as to a waiter): alms, tips, gratuity, pourboire. Where the amount [..]
Source: u4.no


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Bribery is the act of offering someone money, services or other valuables, in order to persuade him or her to do something in return. Bribery is corruption by definition. Bribes are also called kickba [..]
Source: u4.no


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Bureacratic corruption

Bureaucratic, administrative or "petty" corruption takes place at the implementation end of politics, where the public meets public officials. Bureaucratic corruption is usually distinguishe [..]
Source: u4.no

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