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Definitions (80)


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A Record

The A record is what links your dedicated IP address to your chosen subdomain. Creating this record will, for example, point traffic for back to your dedicated IP, and vice versa. You can create multiple A records for a domain with as many IP addresses as you wish, however you can only whitelabel one IP to one domain at [..]


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7 Bit Encoding

7 bit encoding is a reference to the ASCII character set, which is a set of 128 English alphabet characters and is used to store letters in binary. The set includes all the English lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers from 0 to 9. The reason for the characters to be encoded to 7-bits, is because early computers handled data in bytes, o [..]
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7 bit encoding

7 bit encoding is a reference to the ASCII character set, which is a set of 128 English alphabet characters and is used to store letters in binary. The set includes all the English lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers from 0 to 9. The reason for the characters to be encoded to 7-bits, is because early computers handled data in bytes, o [..]
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Automated email, also known as triggered email or behavior-driven email, is sent when a specific triggering event occurs or a specific user takes an action that prompts the delivery of the email. While traditional marketing email involves sender-initiated promotional messages sent to a list of recipients, automated email is initiated by user behavi [..]


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An autoresponder is a computer program that generates a response to an email, request, or action. Autoresponders were initially used to notify a sender of an undeliverable email, but now they are often used in email marketing. Autoresponders can give you the ability to send a customer a pre-written email when a specified event takes place, such as [..]


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Bayesian filter

This is a statistical method for determining the probability that an email is spam by looking for the use of words or phrases commonly associated with spam email. A Bayesian filter detects spam by comparing the words or phrases within the questionable email to a set of known words or phrases associated with spam. Bayesian filtering has a very low r [..]


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Black Hat Sender

A black hat sender is a sender/company who sends email to recipients who either send to recipients who have not given permission to senders to send to them. Not all black hat activity is intentional, though. Even senders who have their recipient’s permission but send an excessive amount of email or who send at an alarming frequency may be flagged b [..]
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black hat sender

A black hat sender is a sender/company who sends email to recipients who either send to recipients who have not given permission to senders to send to them. Not all black hat activity is intentional, though. Even senders who have their recipient’s permission but send an excessive amount of email or who send at an alarming frequency may be flagged b [..]
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A Blacklist is a list of IP addresses that are known to send unsolicited and/or unwanted emails. ISPs and enterprises use blacklists to identify and filter illegitimate mail streams. Blacklisting can also occur for specific sending domains in addition to sending IPs. You may have found in your Block List or Bounce list that your sending IP address [..]


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Blocked messages will appear under Email Reports under Blocks. When your IP address has been added to a blacklist, has been blocked by an ISP or messaging organization, the affected email shows up on this list. Typically it is possible to have your IP address removed from a block list, and some lists automatically do this after a period of time. Bl [..]

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