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Definitions (12)


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"uwu" is not actually a word, but a text emoticon. If you look closely, you can see that the "u"s represent two little closed eyes, and the "w" represents the mouth of some kind of mammal. The resulting expression is intended to and does indeed generate adorability, so the mammal is widely presumed to be a small dog or a cat. This is not to say that it couldn't possibly be a seal or something similarly appealing.

One should exercise caution in using the "uwu" emoticon without clear irony, especially as a male, as it can have negative connotations outside of weeaboo circles.

Ex. 1 (correct)

Jimmy sends photo of new puppy to claire.

Claire: OMG thats soo cute uwu

Jimmy: Haha yeah wyd later

Ex. 2 (incorrect)

Jimmy: Wanna hang out? uwu

Claire: Hey sorry man Im busy forever
Pauly - 30 November 1999


14 Thumbs up   6 Thumbs down


A weeaboo is a person from a western culture who is obsessed with Japanese culture at a superficial level. Being around this type of person is normally uncomfortable for people from both Japan and the west.

They are characterized by their extensive knowledge of various anime, insistent use of Japanese phrases ("Kawaaii! etc) and unsettling interest in suggestive drawings of girls/childlike women.

Their understanding mostly comes from imported Japanese pop culture seen through the distorting lens of their own experience of social isolation in a western context, and they are not to be confused with people who have a genuine in the culture and history of Japan.
Pauly - 30 November 1999


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"Bet" is a confirmatory response, used in place of words like "sure" or "okay". It can also be said in response to someone expressing doubt about your ability to perform a certain action.

"Bet" is an abbreviation of the sentence "you bet". When you use the word "bet", you are telling your conversation partner that they can safely bet on your fulfillment of the request or task being discussed. Please use the word "bet" responsibly, as gambling addiction can be a very serious condition.


A: Hey man are you checking out this hip new joint tonight?
B: Bet.


A: No way can you make that jump. Also it looks incredibly dangerous.
B: Bet.
Pauly - 30 November 1999


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This meaning is NSWF/18+. Click here to show this meaning.
Pauly - 4 April 2019   NSFW


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This meaning is NSWF/18+. Click here to show this meaning.
Pauly - 30 November 1999   NSFW


5 Thumbs up   2 Thumbs down


"Bet" is a confirmatory response, used in place of words like "sure" or "okay". It can also be said in response to someone expressing doubt about your ability to perform a certain action.

"Bet" is an abbreviation of the sentence "you bet". When you use the word "bet", you are telling your conversation partner that they can safely bet on your fulfillment of the request or task being discussed. Please use the word "bet" responsibly, as gambling addiction can be a very serious condition.


A: Hey man are you checking out this hip new joint tonight?
B: Bet.


A: No way can you make that jump. Also it looks incredibly dangerous.
B: Bet.
Pauly - 30 November 1999


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This meaning is NSWF/18+. Click here to show this meaning.
Pauly - 30 November 1999   NSFW


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Coming to prevalence in 2016, "mood" is a slang term roughly synonymous with "sentiment", specifically a sentiment that is familiar to the speaker and that he/she recognises as being well expressed. Can be used by calling something "a mood" or simply saying "mood" when one feels empathy with a scenario or depiction of a scenario.

Person 1: Look at this picture of a cat looking depressed that I found on the internet lol
Person 2: Mood
Pauly - 30 November 1999


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Derived from the 2000 Eminem song "Stan", a Stan is a partially derogatory term for a fan of a celebrity or a piece of pop culture. Much like the titular character in the song, who kills both himself and wife out of frustration at not receiving a response to his fan letters, it implies a crazed level of admiration or obsession.

The term has been appropriated by "Stans" over time to simply mean a passionate fan. It is particularly popular on social media.

Ex "That dude is such a stan, he drove all the way to Bel Air just to see Beyonce's house"

Ex. "We stan Arianda Grande"
Pauly - 30 November 1999


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adj. If something is described as "cap", you can be sure that it's a lie. It is more commonly used in the form "no cap", in which case you can be sure that the person is telling you the truth.


Person 1: How do I look? Honestly?
Person 2: You look absolutely fabulous, no cap!
Pauly - 30 November 1999

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